DoubleTrad® constructed guitars:
The conflation of Tradition with a
High-Tech approach: only full solid woods, finest craftmanship with an outstanding handpolished Shellac finish
or high-gloss nitrocellulose lacquer,
rounded off with modern features.
Our guitars provide a unique sound and playability, using only finest full solid materials and traditional craftmanship. Plus a bit know-how.
Outlook for our double top classical guitars:
Before we post infos and pics from our own doubletop constructed classical guitars we recomend for first insights in this intreresting and quite new construction method the tutorial by Alan Dunwell: click here.
In search of a technology to increase the stiffness of a top while simoultanously decreasing it´s weight we invented our own douple top construction with a Nomex-core. The principle is simple, the way to do properly is a bit more tricky: between two tops of different thickness a core of Nomex® is being glued. More informations about our double top construction you can find here soon.
Feel free to ask in advance, using our "Contact+Links" page (above) or send an email:
In addition we offer as an option traditionally aged tonewoods according a treatment we learned from European violin- and cembalo makers: the wood is stabilized and grafted, the reaction to moister changes is signifcant reduced and the resins are washed or "sweated" out (but this is not a termic reaction, we don´t "cook" the wood!). As a result the weight is reduced and the stiffness is enhanced. Ask for more infos.
We use our own shopmade shellac that we call HardInstrumentShellac® ("H-I-S®").
We started with the idea of other shellac products (like the great "Hard Shellac" from U-Beaut, which was originally developed for furniture makers) and developed our own "Hard-Shellac" with our own cross-linking additions to adapt it to the special needs for polishing and long-time preservation of high-end acoustic guitars. We produce this stuff here in our workshop, using different mixes for the top and the back+sides+neck. It cross-links like other brands, but we feel that our adapted mixture for the top has several advantages compared to other brands sold as "improved" shellac that cross-links to a Hard Shellac. H-I-S ® is our solution.
So much for a first impression, more to come soon.